Media: Willis Towers Watson
Tags: #Employee Experience  #Human-centric HR


Be a unicorn: The goal of employee experience

The hurdle of staying ahead in today’s world can seem insurmountable. But there’s one critical force that’s always been in plain sight: your people.

Every day, organizations around the world face the looming threat of business disruption, whether it’s from a hot start-up that’s popped up overnight or a known industry competitor that’s released a new product or service. Add regulatory changes, economic upheaval, technological advancements and every other external factor that influences day-to-day business, and the hurdle of staying ahead can seem insurmountable.

For as long as businesses have been around, they’ve continually looked outside their walls for threats to their success. Today, organizations are more frequently looking internally and becoming increasingly aware of one critical force that’s always been in plain sight: their people.